My coaching business was created to bring those who have experienced trauma and loss into a whole new world of #bebetter.
It’s likely you’re here because you or someone you love feels as though you got the short end of the stick. Something happened to you that doesn’t happen to most people, and it has caused a dramatic change in the way you experience life; this may be physical, emotional, even relating to your family – or all of the above.
I've been in that tunnel. So I can show you the way out.
I lost my right arm when I was 22 years old. The resulting years of depression caused me to become isolated, self-hating, and bitter.
It took a long time, and several painful learning experiences, for me to come to a crossroads – could I live the rest of my life bitter? Or could I choose to #bebetter?
There are practical steps you can take to much more quickly reach the same powerful revelations that took me several painful years to go through, and I have the unique experience to bring you through them beautifully – or betterfully!
I am passionate about helping those who have been through traumatic challenges, I’ll stick with you through thick and thin, and I am trained by IPEC at the University of Texas at Austin to bring you to your #bebetter self.
My home is in Houston with my husband, Phu, whom I’ve been blessed to have by my side for 13 years.
Shoot me an email for any reason at all — if you’d like to know more about my experience of loss, or if you’d like to tell me about yours, or how I could help you step-by-step getting to the best place you’ve ever been.
With Love and Gratitude,
Suzan Nguyen
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CLIENT TESTIMONIALS Check out what people are saying about Suzan
Megan Elledge
"Suzan is an amazing person! She carries around such a great aura. We were lucky enough to have that enter our salon last weekend for our team building workshop. After lots of tears, laughter, and communication we are now a stronger team. We are communicating a million times better, and any tension we did have going in, is out the door now. Thank you Suzan for your wonderful class. I'm so truly thankful!"